Really Basic Particle System

By The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI/NASA)NASA Headquarters - Greatest Images of NASA (NASA-HQ-GRIN) -;jsessionid=1sl2so6lc9mab?id=GPN-2000-000933&orgid=12, Public Domain,

The following editor might be useful for someone wanting to see what some of the parameters do for the Really Basic Particle System I wrote. Currently the editor has a few glitches but it was a quick-and-dirty implementation so I could play with some of the settings.

You’ll need to move the mouse around to see how it works with a moving object but when I want to edit the particle settings I just moved the mouse pointer off the top of the canvas so they are still visible while I adjust the sliders.

I used the pics from another more comprehensive particles system called Proton, worth checking out if you want a really good particle emitter system in JavaScript.

For a tutorial on how I created it look at this blog post.